Nagpur City
Education Institutes And Hospital In The City

Nagpur has two colleges which in their Arts and Science courses are affiliated with the University of Allahabad. They are at present attended by 168 students. The Morris Memorial College was established in 1885. It takes its name from Sir John Morris who for many years was Chief commissioner of the Central Provinces. For its foundation a considerable sum was subscribed by the people  of the Nagpur and Chhattisgarh division and it is supported also by grants from Government, from the municipality, and from the District Council of Nagpur. The latest grant from Government is in aid of its Law Class, which his attended   by 23 students. The present building of the college in the city is barely adequate, but it has  hostel attached in which several students’ board. The Hislop college was opened in 1884 as an affiliated college of Calcutta University, but in 1905 it was affiliated with Allahabad. It takes its name from the Rev Stephen Hislop, the eminent geologist, who founded the Scotch mission in Nagpur. The college is supported by subscriptions, by the funds of the United Free Church of Scotland, and by Government grants. Its occupies handsome building near the western entrance to the city and a large hostel for the accommodation of 60 boarding students has recently been erected on the bank of the Juma Talao. There is also in the civil station a hostel for 30 Indian Christians. The Victoria Memorial Technical Institute, already spoken of, was opened by Sir Andrew Fraser in 1906. It provides accommodation for advanced science classes and for the Agricultural college, which is also provided with a hostel. But it is intended chiefly for the teaching of handicrafts to sons of the artisan classes. Among other special institutions there are the male and female normal school for the training of teachers for rural schools. These are Government institutions and contain at present 80 students who receive stipends or scholarships. The number of schools is constantly increasing. Besides the High schools and their branches there at present four English-teaching middle schools and about 50 primary schools. The three High schools which are aided by government have 412 pupils  on their rolls. These are the Neill city High school, connected with the Morris college, the High school of the united Free Church Mission connected with the hislop college and the patwardhan High school of the middle schools the most important is the anjuman, and this is now to be extended by converting it into a High school and adding a hostel. The trading population consists largely of people from Northern India, and to meet their need two new schools are being established for the teaching of Hindi. Bengali is taught in one private school The sty. Francis de Sales college and the Bishop’s school provide High school education for European boys. The former has a good industrial class. European girls are taught at the St. Joseph’s convent school.

The Mayo Hospital is the principal medical institution of Nagpur. It occupies several blocks of buildings on open ground near the railway station, contains 84 beds, and has private wards and special accommodation for Europeans. Its operating room has recently been greatly improved. Immediately behind the Mayo building stand those of the Differing hospital for women. This is under a fully qualified lady doctor and has accommodation for 35 indoor patients. Attached to it is a class for midwifery training. The Mure Memorial Hospital of the United Free Church Mission is also under a lady doctor. It occupies a fine site in the civil station near the Maharajbag, contains 30 beds, and does much dispensing work. There are two railway and two mill dispensaries and five public dispensaries, all largely attended

Nagpur History
History And Archeology Of Nagpur
Bakht Buland
British Rule
Gond Kingdom (Deogarh)
Haihaya King
Ponwars Of Malwa
Ram Ruled
Rashtrakuta Kings
Vakataka Rajput Kings
Leading Families Of Nagpur
Ahirrao Family
Bhonsla Family
Bose family
Chitnavis Family
Daga Family
Deshmukh Family
Ghatate Family
Gojar Family
Naik Family
Nimbalkar Family
Pandit Family
Subhedar Family
Upadhe Family
Nag River Of Nagpur
Nagpur City
Agriculture Experiments And Zoological Collection In The City
Bifercation of The City
Churches In Ehe City
City In 18th Century
Education Institutes And Hospital In The City
Empress Mill In The City
Establishment of Municipality In City
Formation of Government Offices In The City
Formation of The City
Improvement In The City
New Places Found In City
Railway In 1867
Nagpur Tahsil
RainFall And Climate Of Nagpur
Why it is called Nagpur


Diwali Celebration in Nagpur: A Joyous Blend of Tr


The Festival of Lights or Diwali is one of the most widely looked forward to as well as enjoyed festivals in the whole of India. As seen in the context of Nagpur, Diwali 2024 has a different identity that is synonymous with culture, community feeling and happiness. It is a festival, which makes the people in Nagpur happy and brings together the family members in an attempt to celebrate Diwali. This article explores how Diwali is enjoyed in Nagpur, the practices that characterise the event, and other practices that give Nagpur a special Diwali.

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