History And Archeology Of Nagpur
Ponwars Of Malwa

By the end of the 2nd century, however, the Nagpur country appears to have passed out of the hands of the Rashtrakuta kings into those of the Pramaras or Ponwars of Malwa. The Prashasti or stone inscription of Nagpur, dated 1104-05 A.D. mentions one Lakshma Deva who is supposed to have been a viceroy at Nagpur for the Malwa king. We know also that princes of this line penetrated to Berar and the Godavari and even to the Carnatic in the pursuit of conquest. A century before this, Munja, the seventh Raja of the Pramara line, had sixteen times defeated the western Chalukya king Taila II, but his seventeenth attack failed and Munja, who had crosse the Godavari, Taila’s northern boundary, was defeated, captured and executed about 995 A.D. It is possible that the existing Ponwar caste of the Nagpur country who have obviously been settled in the Province for a long period and have abandoned the customs of Rajpus, are a relic of these temporary dominance of the kings of Malwa. According to their own traditions, the first settlement of the Ponwars was at Nandivardhan or Nagardhan, which as has already been seen, was at that time one of the two chief places in the District; and the ancestors of the Ponwars were probably the soldiers of the chieftain who ruled at Nagpur. Not having brought their families with them, they would naturally intermarry with the women of the country, and develop into a separate caste.

Nagpur History
History And Archeology Of Nagpur
Bakht Buland
British Rule
Gond Kingdom (Deogarh)
Haihaya King
Ponwars Of Malwa
Ram Ruled
Rashtrakuta Kings
Vakataka Rajput Kings
Leading Families Of Nagpur
Ahirrao Family
Bhonsla Family
Bose family
Chitnavis Family
Daga Family
Deshmukh Family
Ghatate Family
Gojar Family
Naik Family
Nimbalkar Family
Pandit Family
Subhedar Family
Upadhe Family
Nag River Of Nagpur
Nagpur City
Agriculture Experiments And Zoological Collection In The City
Bifercation of The City
Churches In Ehe City
City In 18th Century
Education Institutes And Hospital In The City
Empress Mill In The City
Establishment of Municipality In City
Formation of Government Offices In The City
Formation of The City
Improvement In The City
New Places Found In City
Railway In 1867
Nagpur Tahsil
RainFall And Climate Of Nagpur
Why it is called Nagpur


where is chota nagpur plateau located


  Location and Geography The Chota Nagpur Plateau is a significant geographical region located in eastern India. Predominantly spread across the state of Jharkhand, it also extends into parts of Odisha, West Bengal, Bihar, and Chhattisgarh. This plateau forms the northeastern part of the Deccan Plateau and is distinguished by its rich mineral resources and diverse landscape. Geological Features The Chota Nagpur Plateau is an ancient landmass composed mainly of Precambrian rocks, which are some of the oldest geological formations on

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