Leading Families Of Nagpur
Naik Family

The Naik family of Umrer are Jambu Brahmans, the founder of the family having migrated from Gujarat and settled in Chimur about two centuries ago. He and his descendants lent grain on the Warpatta or Sawai system and the family are known as Warkari in commercial circles. His grandson got the title of Naik as being the most prominent man in the village, and the family have adopted it as a surname. He was made a collector of revenue for a small area under the Marathas, and had the right to receive a rupee oar cocoanut for every marriage or widow-marriage which was celebrated within his jurisdiction. The family now consists of three branches represented by Narayan Shridhar Naik and Janardhan Damodar Naik of Umrer and Rajeshwar Naik of Chimur. They have some landed property and a money lending business. Ganpat Rao Deshmukh of Mohpa has an estate of ten villages, which has been held by his family for the last hundred years. The villages of pardi and Khairiwere bestowed by the Gond Rajas on Babaji Deshmukh before the coming of the Marathas on a quit-rent of Rs.599, and they are still held on the same. These villages were included in the Mohpa jagir, which was granted by Raghuji 111 to Nawab Hasan Ali Khan and the Deshmukhs held under him, Hasan Ali Khan became indebted to the extent of a lakh and-aquarter and the British Government paid off the debt and resumed the jagir.     The Deshmukh of Kalmeshwar is a Raput by caste, and his ancestors held a considerable estate under the Gond Raja Bakht Buland, for whom he maintained a force of horse and foot. This however was resumedat the annexation and the present representative only owns the village of Kalmeshwar. One of the leading men of the Katol tahsil is the proprietor of Yerla, kartaram Patal, a Kunbi. He owns 27 villages, of which nearly all have been acquired by his father or himself. One of his ancestors was Sardar at the Mughal Court at Delhi and obtained drum and a flag from one of the Emperors which are still in the possession of the family and are carried in procession on festival days.

Nagpur History
History And Archeology Of Nagpur
Bakht Buland
British Rule
Gond Kingdom (Deogarh)
Haihaya King
Ponwars Of Malwa
Ram Ruled
Rashtrakuta Kings
Vakataka Rajput Kings
Leading Families Of Nagpur
Ahirrao Family
Bhonsla Family
Bose family
Chitnavis Family
Daga Family
Deshmukh Family
Ghatate Family
Gojar Family
Naik Family
Nimbalkar Family
Pandit Family
Subhedar Family
Upadhe Family
Nag River Of Nagpur
Nagpur City
Agriculture Experiments And Zoological Collection In The City
Bifercation of The City
Churches In Ehe City
City In 18th Century
Education Institutes And Hospital In The City
Empress Mill In The City
Establishment of Municipality In City
Formation of Government Offices In The City
Formation of The City
Improvement In The City
New Places Found In City
Railway In 1867
Nagpur Tahsil
RainFall And Climate Of Nagpur
Why it is called Nagpur


Diwali Celebration in Nagpur: A Joyous Blend of Tr


The Festival of Lights or Diwali is one of the most widely looked forward to as well as enjoyed festivals in the whole of India. As seen in the context of Nagpur, Diwali 2024 has a different identity that is synonymous with culture, community feeling and happiness. It is a festival, which makes the people in Nagpur happy and brings together the family members in an attempt to celebrate Diwali. This article explores how Diwali is enjoyed in Nagpur, the practices that characterise the event, and other practices that give Nagpur a special Diwali.

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