History And Archeology Of Nagpur
British Rule

 Intelligence of the calamities at Meerut and Delhi arrived at Nagpur before the end of May; and seems that immediately after this a scheme for rising was concocted in the lines madans of the city. Secret nightly meeting in the city had been discovered by Mr. Ellis; and the Scotch ‘church Missionaries, who; had schools and some influence in the city, had given warning that the public mind was much disturbed. The rising was fixed for the night of the 13th of june when the ascent of a fire-balloon from the city was to have given the signal to the cavalry. But a few hours before the appointed times one squadron of the cavalry received orders to march for Seoni. This disconcerted the plans of the conspirators and a daffadar was deputed to rouse the infantry. He was at once seized and confined by the first man he addressed., and Mr. Ellis and Mr. Ross , Assistant Commissioner  , being informed by the Jail  Sub Inspector of certain suspicious movements in the cavalry lines, repaired to the house of  Captain  Wood’s the  Second Officer of the regiment. At Captain Woods house it was discovered that the regiment were sadding their horses.  It was now past ten o’clock at night and by this time the alarm was general. Mr. Ellis sent the ladies of the station for safety to Kamptee, and troops were summoned from that place. Meantime the arsena; had been cared for by Majot Bell, Commissart of Ordnance. Loaded cannons were bought up to command the entrance and approaches. while a small detachment of Madras sepoys proceeded to the Sitabaldi hill and got all the guns in position. The behavior of these last was such as to remove any anxiety as to the Madras troops having been tampered with. But at this juncture, until the arrival of trapps from Kamptee everything depended on the temper of the irregular infantru and artillery. The officer commanding the infantry was prostrate from wounds received from a tiger; the only other officer of the regiment was away from the Commission’s P seasonal Assistant who had previously been with this regiment, preceded to their lines and took temporary command. He found that their regiment had fallen in of their own accord on their parade ground, most ready and willing to executing any orders. The battery of artillery, commanded by Captain Playfair, evinced a spirit equally good. Having made sure of these of this portion of the troops, Mr. Ellis now went down to the city. everything was found perfectly tranquil.  The conspirators must have become aware that the authorities were on the alert, that their co-operators in the cavalrt had failed to get the infantry to join, and were now hesitation. The fire-balloon was never sent up. The cavalry, when they heard of the fate of their emissary seem to have lost all heart. They unsaddled their hooded and remained quiet.  subsequently they were  turns out on foot without their arms, the infantry and the artillery being drawn up in position fronting and flanking them , It was in vain that efforts were made to include them to name  the ring-leaders, or those who; had been saddling their horses.

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Nagpur History
History And Archeology Of Nagpur
Bakht Buland
British Rule
Gond Kingdom (Deogarh)
Haihaya King
Ponwars Of Malwa
Ram Ruled
Rashtrakuta Kings
Vakataka Rajput Kings
Leading Families Of Nagpur
Ahirrao Family
Bhonsla Family
Bose family
Chitnavis Family
Daga Family
Deshmukh Family
Ghatate Family
Gojar Family
Naik Family
Nimbalkar Family
Pandit Family
Subhedar Family
Upadhe Family
Nag River Of Nagpur
Nagpur City
Agriculture Experiments And Zoological Collection In The City
Bifercation of The City
Churches In Ehe City
City In 18th Century
Education Institutes And Hospital In The City
Empress Mill In The City
Establishment of Municipality In City
Formation of Government Offices In The City
Formation of The City
Improvement In The City
New Places Found In City
Railway In 1867
Nagpur Tahsil
RainFall And Climate Of Nagpur
Why it is called Nagpur


Why Nagpur is Called the Orange City


Nagpur, a vibrant city located in the central part of India, is famously referred to as the "Orange City". This title is not just a symbolic nickname but one deeply rooted in the city’s agricultural, cultural, and economic significance. The association of Nagpur with oranges goes back centuries, and today, the fruit is an integral part of the city’s identity. In this article, we’ll explore why Nagpur earned the title of Orange City and how oranges have come to define this region in Maharashtra. 1. The Historical

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