Parsoji had no son, begotten or adopted; consequently, Appa Sahib, being the nearest relative to the deceased in the mile line, ascended the throne before any opposition could be made by Baka Bai and her party. From this time the bearing of Appa Sahib, before so cordial to the British, underwent a speedy change. The emissaries of the peshwa won him over to join with their master in his plots and treachery. He also joined in the schemes of Sindhia, and afforded encouragement of the Pindaris, even proceeding so far as to receive into his presence the emissaries of the notorious Chitu, and to confer on them dresses of honor. All this time, however, he was full of protestations before the Resident of good faith and feeling to the English. During the early part of November the conduct of Appa Sahib was very suspicious. The Nagpur troops, which should have been sent on to the Nerbudda to join in the Pindari campaign, were kept back; there was a torce already draw around the capital of 8000 horse and as mans foot; lastly, an active levy of troops from as large even as malwa was commenced. The Resident on his part called in the detachment of Colonel Scott from Nagardhan near Ramtek, and messengers were sent to Colonel Gahan to hurry back from the neighborhood of Hoshangabad. The news from Poona, of the peshwa having now openly broken from his engagements with the British, reached Nagpur on the 14th November. On the night of the 24the the Raja informed Mr. Jenkins that the Peshwa had sent him a khilat, with a golden standard, and the high title of Senapati. He intimated his intention of receiving investiture of title and honors in state on the following day, and invited the Resident to be present at the ceremony Mr. Jenkins remonstrated, stating that as the peshwa was at that moment in arms against the English, the Raja’s public acceptance of these marks of distinction was inconsistent with the terms of his alliance with our government. On the following day the Raja received the khilat in public Darbar, and afterwards proceeded to his chief camp, beyond Takli, where, in front of his troops, he assumed with every ceremony the dignity of general-in-chief of the armies of the Maratha Empire. The next morning an extreme measure, which had been delayed to the utmost was carried out; the brigade under Lieutenant colonel Hopeton scot moved from its lines at Telinkheri to the Residency, also occupying the double hill of Sitabaldi. This movement was executed only just in time, for a body of Arabs, stationed in a village where now stands the railway station, were only awaiting the final order to secure this position for themselves. Expresses were also sent to call up General Doveton with the second division of the Deccan Army from Berar. The troops with Lieutenant-Colonel Scott were a brigade of two battalions of Madras Native Infantry, one battalion being of the 20th, the other of the 24th, both much weakened by sickness. There were also the Resident’s escort, two companies of Native Infantry, three troops of Bengal Native Cavalry, and four six-pounders manned by Europeans of the Madras Artillery.