Nagpur is the headquarters of a Roman Catholic diocese and has a Cathedral, a convent, and a Seminary. The English church is also to be enlarged as a Cathedral. The United Free Church of Scotland maintains an important mission, and there is also a Methodist Church. In the city there are many temples, old and new, but none are of exceptional importance. Perhaps the most noteworthy Indian religious institution is that of a Muhammadan sect established at Mehdibag. This has also educational and industrial interests and is best known to European residents by its excellent shop in the city.
The garrison town of Kamptee lies 10 miles to the north of Nagpur and the only regular force in the city itself is a small detachment of infantry occupying for Sitabldi. There are also the headquarters of the Nagpur Volunteer Rifles and of the Bengal-Nagpur Railway Volunteers, which have five companies in Nagpur. The city police number 153 men of all ranks. These at present are scattered in several posts, most of which are now to be removed. The force will then be concentrated in four Station-houses, the central post being the Kotwali, beside the Town Hall, for which ha spacious building is now nearing completion.