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Rahul Gandhi: Doctor, Doctor I keep getting pains in the eye when I drink coffee.
Doctor: Have you tried taking the spoon out?
Rahul Gandhi: You are genius doctor!
Sahil Malhotra
What will happen if the politicians in India go to strike?






Ans: Nothing! So don't worry!!
Sahil Malhotra
Rahul Gandhi: Waiter, there is a worm on my plate !
Waiter: That's not a worm sir, it's your sausage!
Sahil Malhotra
Q: What's delaying the Pakistani space mission program?

Ans: The bottle is ready. The rocket is ready. They are waiting for a matchstick now.
Sahil Malhotra
A Pakistani saw a notice outside a police station which read:
So he went in and applied for the job!
Sahil Malhotra
Q: Why are all politicians so noisy?

Ans: They were raised in a zoo!
Sahil Malhotra
Q: Why did rahul gandhi put ice in his pocket?
A: The teacher said that everyone should carry his own water.
Sahil Malhotra
Indian ministers ko kaunsa achar sabse jyada pasand hai?
Aam ka? ........Nahin.
Nimboo ka? ......Nahin.
Ans: Bhrasht Achar
Sahil Malhotra
Rahul Gandhi and his teacher are walking along in a park.
Teacher: Rahul, look at the dead bird.
Rahul baba stops, looks up, and says, "Where?"
Sahil Malhotra
Salesman: Want to buy a pocket calculator?
Rahul Gandhi: No, thanks, I already know how many pockets I have got.
Sahil Malhotra
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Diwali Celebration in Nagpur: A Joyous Blend of Tr


The Festival of Lights or Diwali is one of the most widely looked forward to as well as enjoyed festivals in the whole of India. As seen in the context of Nagpur, Diwali 2024 has a different identity that is synonymous with culture, community feeling and happiness. It is a festival, which makes the people in Nagpur happy and brings together the family members in an attempt to celebrate Diwali. This article explores how Diwali is enjoyed in Nagpur, the practices that characterise the event, and other practices that give Nagpur a special Diwali.

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