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Q: Why couldn't the chinese people write the number ELEVEN ?

Ans: They didn't know which ONE came first!
Kapil Maske
A stupid chinese man jumped off the building and taken to the hospital.
Reporter: Why did you jump off the building?
Chinese: I don't know? But someone shouted....get out!
Kapil Maske
Recruitment was going on in Pakistani army.
Officer: Have you ever hunted any animal before?
Candidate: Yes. I have been fishing for years!
Kapil Maske
Who is a laziest person?
Ans: A person is said to be so lazy when he uses a remote control just to operate his remote!!
Sahil Malhotra
A chinese man went around in a revolving door for six hours because he couldn't remember whether he was going in or coming out?!!
Sahil Malhotra
What is the secret behind chinese rapid technology growth?
Ans: Copy and paste!
Sahil Malhotra
Complaint of a Lazy man:
Why does an inspiring sight like a sunrise always have to take place at such an inconvenient time?
Sahil Malhotra
Pakistani: Hey, what is the weather like out there in China?
Chinese: I don't know. I will tell you when it clears!
Sahil Malhotra
Q: What do you catch when you go ice fishing?
Ans: A cold!
Sahil Malhotra
Teacher: What's the best thing to put into a pizza?
Pappu: Your teeth.
Sahil Malhotra
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Diwali Celebration in Nagpur: A Joyous Blend of Tr


The Festival of Lights or Diwali is one of the most widely looked forward to as well as enjoyed festivals in the whole of India. As seen in the context of Nagpur, Diwali 2024 has a different identity that is synonymous with culture, community feeling and happiness. It is a festival, which makes the people in Nagpur happy and brings together the family members in an attempt to celebrate Diwali. This article explores how Diwali is enjoyed in Nagpur, the practices that characterise the event, and other practices that give Nagpur a special Diwali.

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