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Sexy is a state of mind

Category : Entertainment |  Posted Date : 03/08/2011

There are times when you wear the best of clothes, put on the right make up and step out feeling miserable. Looking sexy isn't that important as feeling sexy. I know people in the industry who will put on  designer wear, show off their imported heels but feel like crap. This feels strange because I believe that to look hot and glamorous you also have to feel that way in your mind. And that's only possible when you love yourself enough to realise that despite the flaws and inhibitions you might have, this is who you are.Thoughts become action is such a true idea. If you feel sad and unhappy about yourself then no Prada or Versace can bring out the true beauty in you. This might sound preachy, but I can't say enough of 'love yourself' first. Even before looking on the outside, reaching out to others, look within, embrace who you are only then can you feel like you have begun your journey. I feel the most good looking people in this world are those who are happy in their heads. They have either come to terms with the way God has made them, or are working towards liking the person in the mirror. If it’s getting on the treadmill, going on that diet or avoiding the booze, do whatever it takes to loving the true YOU and trust me then you won’t need any ensembles or accessories to make you look pretty.