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Ranbir locked himself in the loo

Category : Entertainment |  Posted Date : 13/07/2011

Ranbir Kapoor's movie outing with his buddies turned out to be quite eventful.

The actor, who was spotted at a suburban multiplex along with Anushka Sharma, Ayan Mukerji, Arjun Kapoor and Pooja Gupta, went unnoticed till the interval. However, the girls present at the theatre went crazy when they spotted him walking towards the loo. Not just that, they even tried following the actor into the loo much to the embarrassment of the other guys. Ranbir locked himself in to escape the crowd. Luckily, the security guys at the multiplex jumped in and helped the actor return to his seat. After the movie, Ranbir and his friends hopped into their cars and headed out for dinner.