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Pune to host national piano contest

Category : City |  Posted Date : 18/07/2011

PUNE: A national level piano festival, competition is being held in Pune from November 23 to 27.

Presented in an informal and friendly workshop,masterclass format with unrestricted repertoire choice, participants will have a unique opportunity not only for public performance but to extend their musical learning experience by receiving instruction at the piano as well as written adjudications and participation certificates from an international panel of adjudicators.

The emphasis will be on encouragement and positive feedback. Entries have been invited from across the country in four competitive divisions namely preliminary (beginner to grade 1), junior (grades 2 to 5), intermediate (grades 6 to 8) and advanced (diplomas).

The deadline for entries is September 30. Piano teachers are encouraged to have their students apply.

The international adjudication panel will include renowned teachers, pedagogues Scott McBride Smith (USA), Peter Mack ( Ireland,USA), Gail Lew (USA), Murray Nichol ( Canada).

Additionally the eminent and popular contemporary composer Christopher Norton (New Zealand,England) will be on the adjudication panel as a jazz and popular music specialist and composer-in-residence.

The festival will also feature teachers-in-residence, Peter Mack and Murray Nichol who will give private lessons and piano masterclasses during the festival. Each of the adjudicators will also present workshops for participants and for the professional development of the participating teachers.

This is a unique festival fostering musical performance, learning and interaction among budding young talent across the country. MusiQuest 2011 is the third edition of this popular festival. The 2009 festival drew a response of 153 participants and 48 teachers from across the length and breadth of India.

The attractive prizes include a Kawai KX21 upright piano to be awarded to the first prize winner of the advanced division. This winner will also receive a scholarship to the International Institute of Young Musicians ( Kansas, USA) as part of the prize package. Each of the divisions will be awarded three attractive prizes packages including cash, music books etc.

The syllabus, entry forms and details are posted on the academy website /aom/musiquest2011.htm