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Free plastic surgeries for poor children

Category : City |  Posted Date : 15/07/2011

MYSORE: To commemorate Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Day, seven doctors have come forward to conduct a free plastic surgery each on July 15. Also, Vikram Jeev hospital in Yadavagiri will perform free surgeries on the poor children with cleft lip and palate.

Each of seven surgeons in Mysore will conduct a free surgery, said plastic surgeon Satish of Vikram Jeev Hospital. "This is an effort to highlight the role of plastic surgery. Commonly perceived as related to burns or cosmetic surgery, plastic surgeons are an essential part of all hospitals now," he said.

Every year, 3,000-3500 plastic surgeries are conducted in Mysore, he said.

Plastic surgeons also treat hand injuries, rejoin amputated parts and correct birth defects in infants, said senior plastic surgeon BN Jayaram.

Dr Herle, senior plastic surgeon, said awareness about plastic surgery is being created at taluk and district level. The amputated hands or fingers can be rejoined if brought to the hospital within six hours of the incident. It should be packed in a plastic cover, backed with ice packs, added Jayaram.