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Why did the computer go to the doctor? because it had a virus!
Kapil Maske
What's the meanest type of shoe? Pumas
Kapil Maske
What did the scarf say to the hat? You keep an eye up there and I'll hang around here!!!
Kapil Maske
Why was the math book sad? because it has to many problems!
Kapil Maske
What do you call a baby partial? A:Adam
Kapil Maske
What do you have when you have 7 oranges in your right hand and 5 in the other hand?

answer- big hands
Kapil Maske
What did the plant do in math class?
Answer: It grew square roots!
Kapil Maske
whats the best thing to put on a pie? your teeth!
Kapil Maske
Why does vampires brush their teeth?
To stop bat breath.
Kapil Maske
When do ghosts play tricks on each other? on April ghouls day.
Kapil Maske
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Diwali Celebration in Nagpur: A Joyous Blend of Tr


The Festival of Lights or Diwali is one of the most widely looked forward to as well as enjoyed festivals in the whole of India. As seen in the context of Nagpur, Diwali 2024 has a different identity that is synonymous with culture, community feeling and happiness. It is a festival, which makes the people in Nagpur happy and brings together the family members in an attempt to celebrate Diwali. This article explores how Diwali is enjoyed in Nagpur, the practices that characterise the event, and other practices that give Nagpur a special Diwali.

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